



Morning Vinyasa, Asana&Meditation

【Morning Vinyasa】 Vinyasa yoga practice to get ready for the day! 【Asana&Meditation】 Physical yoga practice followed by short meditation to get your day started well!


Kitty has been practicing and teaching yoga for more than 15 years in Japan and overseas. She’s been translating for many overseas teachers for teacher training and events for the past 7 years which helps her to gain a deeper level of understanding of the essence of yoga. She practices Asana and Meditation in the morning on a daily basis. She guides students towards “self- awareness” and “self-care” during her class.

講師は、15年以上に渡り国内外でヨガの練習・指導を行なっており、ここ7年はボディワーク専門通訳者とし ても、著名な講師の指導者養成講座、ワークショップ通訳としても活躍中である。 現在もヨガのアーサナと瞑想を日々実践し、ヨガ哲学、ボディワーク関連の書籍を愛読し知識を深め、実践と経験を積むよう心がけている。 セルフアウェアネス(自己の気づき)とセルフケア(自己のメンテナンス)をクラスで大切にしている。


【 Qualifications 】
• RYT200 (Association for Yoga and Meditation in India)
• Atma Jyoti Yoga in India 100 hours Teacher Training completed • Sun and Moon Yoga Anatomy Teacher Training completed
• Bhakti / Nada Yoga Teacher Training completed
• Omolulu Maternity yoga Teacher Training completed
• Bliss Baby Maternity and Postnatal Teacher Training completed • Yoga・Ed Kids Yoga Teacher Training completed
• Judy Krupp Yoga Therapy course completed
• sakura yoga bodywork translation course completed • Child Bodycare Therapist course completed
• Children CPR course completed
